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Site updated 10 March 2025

We are always looking for volunteers to help with administration and ensuring implementation of the plan. Anyone wanting to be involved should contact Keith Moffitt or Nick Jackson through:
Logo by Purni Gupta

Click for a brief summary of what the NDF is all about.

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Welcome to the website of the Fortune Green & West Hampstead Neighbourhoood Development Forum (NDF).

News and updates

NEW: 10/03/25

Revised in February 2025, the application has been published on the Camden website.
The full documentation is online HERE or you can find it by searching for Planning Applications and using the reference 2025/0484/P. At present comments can only be made online up to 13 March. If the online comments form has closed, you can still comment via email to planning@camden.gov.uk after this date.
We will publish our submission to Camden Council on the application here in due course.


AGM 20 MAY 2024 West Hampstead Library, 7.30 pm
Agenda is here
The minutes of the last meeting are here


15/03/2023 It appears likely that the O2 Centre development application will go to the Planning Committee on 30 March 2023. If you are planning to make any/further objections please do so quickly! See below for details.

The NDF is also objecting to an application to convert the former "Art Glass" shop, 94 Mill Lane, to resisidential use. Mill Lane cannot afford to lose any more shop frontages. Application number 2022/5198/P.


01/11/2022 More about the O2 Development

We have recently sent out an email to our members as below:

Dear NDF member,

This is to let you know how you can comment on the revised application for the redevelopment of the O2 car park, Homebase & Shopping Centre.


Although the deadline for online comments has passed, Camden Council say that you can still give your views by emailing planning@camden.gov.uk.

The revised application, submitted last month, makes minor changes to the design of new buildings along Finchley Road, but very little else has changed since the main planning application submitted in January. The development still falls far short of national standards for green open space, and the Council’s standards for affordable housing.

Crucially, there is still no firm commitment from Landsec (the developers), Transport for London, or Camden Council, to do anything to improve access to West Hampstead tube station. With tube numbers increasing again post-pandemic, and the new interchange onto the Elizabeth Line at Bond Street, West Hampstead tube station desperately needs a lift, and a wider entrance.

You can find details of both the original application and the revised application on Camden Council website by searching for planning applications and using reference number 2022/0528/P. The best document to look at is "O2 Masterplan DAS 16-09022 (Design and Access Statement)".

If you submitted comments on the original application, Camden assure us that they will still be taken into account.

It's possible the plans will be considered by Camden's Planning Committee at their December meeting, but it's more likely to be the New Year.

We will be in touch again when we have more details.


Objection to O2 Centre, carpark and other sites between West End Lane and Finchley Road

The NDF and and other local groups* have been very active preparing a strong objection to the plans for the O2 Centre. The final report prepared by a planning consultant can be seen here.

* The "other local groups" who have participated are:

  • Belsize Society,
  • CRASH (the Combined Residents' Associations of South Hampstead),
  • Fortune Green and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum,
  • GARA (Gondar and Agamemnon Residents' Association,
  • MARA (Menelik area Residents' Association),
  • MILAM (Maygrove, Iverson, Loveridge, Ariel, Medley),
  • Netherhall Neighbourhood Association,
  • Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Forum,
  • Redington Frognal Association,
  • RMRG (Rosemont Mews Residents' Group),
  • WHAT (West Hampstead Amenity & Transport),
  • WHGARA (West Hampstead Gardens and Residents' Association)


O2 Centre, carpark and other sites between West End Lane and Finchley Road

There has been a lot of activity around this site over that last few months. Many of you will have seen our newsletters about various consultations. Land Securities was consulting about their initial proposals for the site and Camden was consulting on a Supplementary Planning Document covering the same area. The NDF has responded as a body to Camden which you can see here. There have also been Zooms arranged by us and Land Securities at which many people asked questions and made comments.


New ACV for The Alliance Pub - Approved
LB Camden has approved our application for an ACV for the Alliance Pub

A few weeks ago we send out the following to our members. The survey will remain open till early 2021.

New ACV for The Alliance Pub - Your help is needed again
You may recall that back in 2016 the Alliance in Mill Lane was for sale and the NDF instigated an application for an Asset of Community Value. (ACV). This was successful and we have had the comfort of some level of protection for the pub for the past five years but the registration only lasts five years, so we need to make a new application.

A major part of our application was a survey of local people to show how people used and valued the pub as a local asset. We are now asking you to do the survey (again, please even if you did it in 2016). It's quite quick to do. The open questions at the end where you can say why you think the pub gives more than just being an ordinary pub are especially valuable. They might take a little thought, but do please try to say something about its community value. Please tell your friends and family too.

To do the survey, please go to :www.savethealliance.org where there is a link to the survey on the front page. The website also gives a bit more background information.

Or you can go directly to the survey via google docs here

There is currently no obvious risk to the pub, apart from Covid, in fact the current freeholder is keen on the pub, but we should try to continue the protection afforded by the ACV.


Proposed changes to the planning system and impact on West Hampstead

You can see the comments we made on the Government's White Paper on Planning here

Proposed changes to the planning system and impact on West Hampstead

We wrote to members of the NDF on 27th September about the government's plans for an almost complete replacement of the town and country planning system, known as "Planning for the Future". You can see that email again by clicking here.
In that email we also said that the West Hampstead NDF, in conjunction with WHAT (West Hampstead Amenity and Transport), would be holding a joint Zoom meeting on Tuesday 13th October at 7.30pm, at which an officer from Camden Council would speak and take questions. The aim of the meeting is to help you understand the proposals and how they might affect Camden in general and West Hampstead in particular.
We now have more details of that meeting, including a Zoom link. If you wish to join the meeting and didn't get an email about it, please contact us ndpwesthampstead@gmail.com


Fortune Green and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Development Forum Response to West Hampstead Councillors' Statement on Thameslink Bridge Murals

Minutes of the AGM held on 24 February 2020 are available here. And the slides (B&Q, Interchange are, and current developments are here.


We recently sent comments to Camden on their Proposed 2020 Site Allocation. They are here.

Camden's Space Allocation Document

Camden's consultation documents on where the Council thinks development should be focused has been published. The consulation for West Hampstead is on-line at https://westhampsteadsalp.commonplace.is/ Other Sites within the NDF Area are : Gondar Gardens


Some documents recently up loaded
B&Q site in Cricklewood
Presentation for Clock Factory Apartments Blackburn Road
Camden site allocation 2020 for interchange area.
And another : The slides we would have shown at the AGM Feb 2020

Planning Guidance on O2 car park

A first draft on planning guidance for the O2 carpark and other sites on Blackburn Road has been prepared by LB Camden.         


AGM 24 FEBRUARY 2020 West Hampstead Library, 7.30 pm
Agenda is here
The minutes of the last meeting are here

MORE GOOD NEWS, the appeal against the rejection of the very large Gondar Gardens planning application has been refused. There is still potential for the previously approved application for the frontage to go ahead but at least we will not have the horrendous inconvenience, disruption and destruction caused by the full scheme and the ongoing, overbearing size of the finished monstrosity, and the developers will have to jump through a few hoops before they can go ahead with the earlier scheme. You can read the decision report at https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/ViewCase.aspx?caseid=3198746


REDESIGNATION APPROVED Following our application to be the organisation for Neighbourhood Planning in Fortune Green and West Hampstead, we were approved by Camden on 17 April 2019 for another five years.
Documents can be seen here

Consultation on the Forum's Redesignation
The Fortune Green and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum has applied to Camden Council to be formally re-designated as a neighbourhood forum, in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) and the Neighbourhood Planning regulations The Forum was established in 2013 and after 5 years in operation must now re-apply if it is to continue to be formally designated.
LB Camden are seeking views and comments on the applications from residents and other interested stakeholders, and we hope that you might make some comments supporting the Forum. Please note that the Plan is not affected by this consultation nor the Area covered, but only the organisation and its structure. All responses must be submitted by 22 February 2019.

The application shows the Neighbourhood Area in which the Forum has applied to continue to use neighbourhood planning powers. The area does not require renewing as there is an adopted Neighbourhood Plan. Representations should consider whether the Neighbourhood Forum is appropriate to be re-designated.

The application is available to view online at www.camden.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplanning see 'current consultations' or on our website. Or at the following locations:
West Hampstead Library, Dennington Park Road, NW6 5AU; Opening hours: Mon 11am to 7pm, Tue to Thurs 11am to 6pm, Fri to Sat 11am to 5pm
5 Pancras Square, King's Cross N1C 4AG – Open: Mon to Sat 8am to 8pm, Sun 11am to 5pm
Responses should made by email to planningpolicy@camden.gov.uk
By post to: Strategic Planning and Implementation, Regeneration and Planning, London Borough of Camden, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE.
For further details please contact Camden Planning on 020 7974 2254 or email planningpolicy@camden.gov.uk


Good News: The 4 "telephone" booths proposed for West End Lane and Fortune Green road have been refused on appeal

Consultation on Camden's Draft Transport Strategy
The consultation runs until Friday, 14 December 2018.
The proposed priorities within the draft Transport Strategy, which covers the period 2019-2041, include: increasing walking and cycling; improving public transport in the borough; reducing car ownership, use and traffic levels; improving air quality and making our streets and transport networks safe, accessible and inclusive for all. More details can be found in the on-line documents which includes an Overview and Easy Read version and guidance on how to complete the on-line questionnaire.
Full details can be accessed using the following link:


We have at last managed to sort out access to this site so anticipate that normal service will be resumed. Apologies for the time it has taken.

Don't forget our next public meeting on Monday 24 September 2018 at 7.30 pm in the West Hampstead Library. All Welcome
The agenda is here. and Minutes from 11 June 2018, are here.


We have submitted two objections to the latest application for converting the upstairs of the Alliance in Mill Lane. the first here and the second here

Don't forget our next public meeting on Monday 11 June at 7.30 pm in the West Hampstead Library. All Welcome The agenda is here


Don't forget our next public meeting is our AGM on Monday 26 February at 7.30 pm in the West Hampstead Library. All Welcome The agenda is here

We have submitted our objection to the Gondar Gardens Development


The planning Application for the retirement homes development in Gondar Gardens has been submitted to LB Camden. Closing date for objections is 13 December 2107. The application can be seen here.
The NDF will be objecting to the application citing:

  • its height, size and bulk;
  • building design;
  • inconsistency with neighbouring buildings and the local area;
  • overdevelopment in a congested area;
  • no affordable housing;
  • loss of green space;
  • loss of views;
  • the impact on traffic and parking
and anything else that comes up in our open general meeting on the 4 December 2017 at the West Hampstead Library at 7.30pm. All welcome.
We have a new section in on our documents page showing objections we have made to planning applications Click Here.


Our September 2017 newsletter giving notice of the open meeting on 12 September 2107, has been published

We are running a survey on what people like and dislike about West Hampstead. It has the same questions as a survey we ran in 2014, so we can see if people's opinions have changed since then. Thanks to all those visited our stall at the Jester Festival and filled in the paper form. If you haven't yet filled it in yourself please do so on-line. Click Here. Many thanks.


The minutes of the last meeting on 10 May 2017 are available.


The latest NDF Newsletter has been issued on 24 April 2017.If you want to get a copy by email let us know
Topics include the agenda for the next open meeting and a couple of surveys we have been asked to publicise.
The agenda is here


The latest NDF Newsletter has been issued on 6 March 2017.If you want to get a copy by email let us know
Topics include James stepping down and his fantastic contribution to the NDF| Elections to Committee |

The latest NDF Newsletter has been issued on 20 Feb 2017.If you want to get a copy by email let us know


The 156 West End Lane Development was approved at the planning committee last night. (2 Feb 2107)

The latest NDF Newsletter has been issued. If you want to get a copy by email let us know
Topics include the meeting on 18 Jan 2017 | air pollution | Growth Area | 156 WEL planning committee


The report on the West Hampstead growth Area workshop held on Saturday 12 November 2016 has now been published.

156 West End Lane
The NDF has submitted its objection as part of the re-consultation on the planning application for 156 West End Lane (ref: 2015/6455/P) which can be seen here. Our previous objection, submitted last December, can be seen here. We thank NDF members who have given us their comments - via email, at meetings and in person - which have informed our responses, along with the content of the adopted Neighbourhood Plan. Comments on the planning application are open until Thursday 10th November for anyone who wishes to add their own comments.


The latest NDF Newsletter has been issued. If you want to get a copy by email let us know
Topics include the meeting on Monday 7th | Growth Area workshop | short films | two stations | local updates.

Workshop on West Hampstead Growth Area Saturday 12 November 10 till 4 at Emmanuel School
All those living and working in the area are invited to come and discuss the future development of the area around the West Hampstead stations. Come and learn how to help design and shape master-planning priorities


SOME OLD NEWS REPORTS CAN BE FOUND ON www.ndpwesthampstead.org.uk/oldnews.htm

  Contact us
You can contact us at ndpwesthampstead@gmail.com

If you would like to receive our newsletter (once a month or less!) send us a note to ndpwesthampstead@gmail.com

Privacy Statement: We take your privacy seriously. Please see our privacy statement for details.

Read the plan here

We have also produced two documents summarising the Plan. There's a one page list of the 19 Policies & 11 Recommendations in the Plan here; and there's a document containing only the Policies here.

Future Events

  • Next meeting: AGM and open meeting on 20 MAY 2024 at 7.30 pm in the West Hampstead Library. All Welcome

Notification of Planning Applications etc

If you want to be notified of any planning applications in your area, you can sign up for tailored emails, getting information on a circle around your home or the whole ward, on the Camden website.