The planning application for the Tower Service Station 617 Finchley Road has been submitted to Barnet Council. Feel free to comment. There are already a number of negative comments on its size and glassiness.
Here are the Minutes of the last meeting on 13 July 2016 and here is the Newsletter of 20 July 2016.
Special General Meeting
A valid request has been received from a group of NDF members to call a Special General Meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Forum. This will take place on Friday 1st July at 7.30pm at West Hampstead Library - all local residents are welcome to attend.
There is only one item on the agenda: the planning application for 156 West End Lane - the details of which can be seen
The next regular NDF meeting will be on Wednesday 13th July - at 7.30pm at West Hampstead Library.
We will also have a stall at the
Jester Festival .on Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd July.
Here are the Minutes of the last meeting on 10 May 2016 and here is the Newsletter of 12 May 2016.
West Hampstead Underground Station
Today we are publishing the finalised images of our proposals for an upgraded West Hampstead Underground station - with step-free access and a new entrance on the west side of West End Lane.
The plans have been drawn up for the NDF by local architect, Guy Shackle, and with the support of local landowner, Richard Loftus.
The images show how a new station could be constructed and what it could look like in day and night. Click on the pictures to get large versions on a new tab.

We will be using these images to lobby TfL, the GLA, Camden Council and other stakeholders to commit to an upgrade of the station - as a vital part of the West Hampstead Interchange.
We are also asking politicians of all parties to support our plans in the run up to the London elections on 5th May. We're delighted that the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat candidates for the Barnet & Camden GLA seat have all given their backing to the proposals.
We will be discussing the plans further at the next NDF meeting on Tuesday 10th May.
In the meantime, feel free to let us have your comments. You can also have your say via our
Twitter account - as well as our new Facebook page.
The Alliance pub is ACV listed
Re. the paragraph below, the Alliance pub has now been added to Camden's list of Assets of Community Value. The decision letter is here.
New system for keeping informed about planning applications
AS part of Camden's open data project all current planning applications will be published online in map and list format, updated daily.
Planning applications received in the past 7 days
All current planning applications
NDFs and other interested parties can create views of the data e.g. a map zoomed into their local area, and embed it in their own websites. Camden is planning to include NDF boundaries on the map in the near future. The data can also be re-used via an API for technologically minded people to create apps etc.
The Alliance pub in Mill Lane is up for sale.
While it might be bought by new pub oriented owner there is a strong possibility that it might be bought by a developer who closes it down and tries to convert it all to residential. Many locals think the pub is a great local asset and would be horrified at its loss, even apart from the negative impact on the other Mill Lane shops and cafes. (The current landlord, Michael, is the tenant, not the owner, so don't blame him!)
NDF is going to apply for the pub to be listed as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) which while it can not stop the loss of the pub, does draw a deep line in the sand, and gives the local community the chance to buy and retain it as a pub.
We have set up a survey is to help us prove that the reasons we are giving in the application for the ACV are true. If you know and value the pub, please have a look at the survey and fill as much of it as possible.
The survey is here.
There is a website and a twitter account
Minutes of the AGM on 11 January 2106
The AGM agreed a number of changes to our constitution - the new version can be seen here. Among the changes is the introduction of group membership of the NDF - if your group would like to become a member, please let us know.
One of the NDF's priorities for the year ahead is to get Camden Council to carry out some 'masterplanning' of the West Hampstead Growth Area. It is clear there will be more development in this area in the years to come. At a recent meeting, a Council officer presented this document which outlines some of the issues.
There is an informative and short (2 minute) video explaining the planning system in London.
As mentioned at our meeting, Camden Council is consulting about changes to the way it notifies residents and businesses about planning applications. Among the measures proposed is the removal of letter notifications to neighbours - which the NDF has objected to. Please have your say and complete the online survey here - the deadline for responses is Wednesday 20th January.
The Council has started a consultation about closing public toilets in the borough - including the ones on West End Lane. Details and online survey are here. There's a public meeting on Wednesday 27th January, 6-8pm, West Hampstead Library.
We had a lively and interesting workshop on the future of the NDF on 7th December 2015. Comments and ideas will be presented at the AGM on 11 January 2106.NEW: the report prepared by the facilitator is here.
Objection to 156 West End Lane
The NDF's objection letter to the proposed 156 West End Lane development is shown here. It was sent on 18 December 2015
Thanks to all those who came to our Workshop on 156 West End Lane on Saturday 7 November 2015 and took part in the discussions.The presentations given during the morning can be seen below:
- James Earl's introduction and background to the 156 West End Lane site can be seen here (4mb).
- The slides from the developer's latest presentation can be seen on their website.
- The Create Streets presentation and their alternative proposals can be seen here (10mb).
We will continue the discussion at our next meeting on the 30th November.
Gearing up for Neighbourhood Plan Examination:
Our Chairman, James Earl has been filmed in a discussion about neighbourhood Plans. To see the action on YouTube click here. It appears in Upfront, a monthly bulletin produced by Planning Aid England. They say:
"In this month’s podcast we speak to the Chair of West Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum; James Earl and John Parmiter the Independent Examiner who examined the West Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan. They discuss the examination process from each of their perspectives and provide useful tips for any groups about to embark upon examination of their neighbourhood plan including what to expect at a Hearing if one is called. This insightful discussion is aimed at demystifying the examination process."
Most recent NDF meeting 2 November 2015. Minutes available here
There was another Public Exhibition by the developers of 156 West End Lane at the West Hampstead Synagogue on 29 October 2015. Some of the drawings/pictures they showed are available here. Also the developers website has their full presentation.
Survey on the future of the NDF - The Survey is now closed. Many thanks to those who responded. In all we had 71 responses. The Q&A responses are here and the open ended comments are here. We will have a discussion about the results at our next meeting.
Referendum: Many thanks to everyone who voted YES in the referendum on 9th July. The result is:
YES: 2,344 (93%)
NO: 174 (7%)
(turnout was 14%)
The result can also be seen on Camden Council's website. The Neighbourhood Plan has now been formally approved and will be brought into force by Camden Council. You can see the Plan here:

The final plan
If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please email:
Many thanks to these local groups who backed the YES campaign:
- Buckingham, Avenue & Marlborough Mansions Estate
- Combined Residents Association of South Hampstead (CRASH)
- Crediton Hill Residents Association
- Fordwych Residents Association
- Friends of Hampstead Cemetery
- Friends of Minister Road Nature Reserve
- Gondar & Agamemnon Residents Association (GARA)
- Hillfield Road & Aldred Road Residents Association (HARRA)
- Maygrove, Iverson, Loveridge, Ariel & Medley RA (MILAM)
- Mill Lane Traders Association
- People's Centre for Change, Shoot-up-Hill
- Sarre Road Residents Association
- West End Green Conservation Area Advisory Committee
- West Hampstead Amenity & Transport (WHAT)
- West Hampstead Business Association
- West Hampstead Gardens & Residents Association (WHGARA)
- West Hampstead Life
We have submitted
comments to the developer, see here, on 156 West End Lane following the second consultation
156 West End Lane - there is a public meeting organised by Camden Council and the developer on Tuesday 6th October at 7pm at Sidings Community Centre details here.
The developer bringing forward plans for the 156 West End Lane site has two further consultation events coming up - on Thursday 10th, 4-7.30pm at the Synagogue Hall & on Saturday 12th, 10-1pm at Sidings Community Centre.
More details here.
Please sign the petition to save West Hampstead Library. You can respond to Camden Council's libraries consultation here. There is a public meeting organised by the Friends of West Hampstead Library on Thursday 10th September at 7.30pm at the Library.
The presentations from the Area Action Group meeting in July about the Camden Waste Challenge and the Libraries consultation can be seen
The NDF is supporting West Hampstead Business Association in its work to raise money to improve the area - you can find out more and pledge here.
RedFrog We're working with our neighbouring Forum on the other side of Finchley Road to campaign for improvements in this part of our area. As a first step, we've compiled this survey, which we are encouraging residents to complete to give us their views:
Lottery funding
Great news. We have been awarded Lottery funds to promote the NDP and carry on our work over the next year
Examiners Report
The examiner's report on the Neighbourhood Plan has now been published. It is also being published on Camden Council's website.
We are delighted to be able to let you know that the Plan has passed its examination and - subject to the modifications outlined by the examiner in the report - can proceed to the final stage of the process, the referendum.
The report is largely positive in that it recognises the Plan's aims and objectives - although, on some points, the examiner has recommended that certain sections are removed, for the reasons he has given in the report.
The examiner's overall conclusion is that:
"The plan is a very commendable document that will help to guide growth and sustainable development in this significant area of London. It is a credit to all those who have worked hard to produce such a readable and well-presented plan in such a short period of time. The plan's real strength is in its articulation of the concerns and aspirations of the local community, by reflecting the results and outcomes of a very extensive engagement process".
James Earl will be meeting Camden Council planning officers on Monday 12 January 2015 to discuss the next steps - and will report back at the NDF meeting on Monday evening - at 7.30pm at West Hampstead Library.
A big thank you to everyone who has helped the NDF and the Plan get through this important stage - we are now getting very close to the point where we have an approved Neighbourhood Plan!